
Friday, August 19, 2011



Tough times are hard times. It is a time when a man is faced with great challenges and overwhelming odds of life, which looks like it will never end. These are times when you put in your best but it all seem to be futile.
It can be liken to the 'friday' when Jesus Christ was crucified and passed through great agony for mankind redemption and the 'saturday' when he was buried.
Tough times can make out of you a champion and bring out the great man in you. On the other hand, it can shatter your dreams and aspirations in life. "Most life identities were picked during hardship"-Taiwo Owolabi. The decisions you make during tough time matters a whole lot inorder for one not to regrete it at the end, because "tough times never last but tough people do". Definately every ugly situations in life will come to pass.
You may be wondering that what are tough times in real sense of it. It is when there is a delay in achieving a set goal in one's life. It can be in different ways i.e gaining admission into the higer institution, making your complete result at one sitting, getting a good job or getting married. Tough times could be birth as a result of the economic situation in the country or as a result of physical disability.
It makes us stronger to face greater challenges of life, it builds up our courage and gives us the confidence that we can succeed in life inspite of all odds.
The bible also gives examples of people that passed through tough times and overcame. We have David; he passed through times with King Saul before he became the anointed King of Isreal. Abraham passed through tough times before he got the promised child. Paul the apostle faced tough times to reach the gentiles with the gospel and so many others.
But one unique difference about these people I have mentioned is that they never gave up, but kept on till they triumph because they were extraodinary people with extraodinary vision.
The only panacea you can ever posess to break forth from 'tough times' is determination to succeed and excel despite the setbacks or delay. In the period of tough times, engage in profitable activities and still have your goal in mind. Do all you can because the labour of the deligent will never be fruitless.